Technical Editor
Writing and editing manuals and style guides is a particular interest of mine. I enjoy creating documentation that will lead to standardization in policies and practices within various working groups.
In the Summer of 2022, I was fortunate enough to work with the University of Arkansas at Little Rock’s Institutional Review Board on updating their Research Protection Program Policies and Procedures Manual. They needed a complete update of the policies and a refreshed document design. I was given marked up files of each section and I was then able to rework the original into a version with which the board was very happy. I created a style guide to accompany the manual in the hopes that future revisions will have a smooth implementation.
I was also able to work with a funeral service that was in need of a style guide as they are adding more employees in response to recent growth in their business. This is an on-going project.
Style Guides
I created this style guide as a way to standardize classroom document creation for my future First-Year Composition courses.
This style guide is the companion piece to the UA Little Rock Research Protection Program Policies and Procedures Manual.
Lemley Funeral Service has grown dramatically in recent years. They have gone from a solely family-operated business to needing to hire more employees. They need to update many of their documents, but they also need documentation of standard practices. This is an on-going project, but the Style Guide is the first phase to be completed.